Friday, 26 September 2014

Lo1: Content Planning

All the images used in my magazine will be of fashion photography in Sheffield that i will take, events are exhibitions of fashion happening locally which i can attend or people who will help with the production of my magazine will attend, people and bloggers that i may have articles about. All my images will be edited to the same theme to keep a consistent style ad identity to my magazine.

My content will include, fashion, music, art and events happening that i can attend and write an article about. All the articles will be relevant to a style. I will have advertisers as this is how my magazine will be profitable to begin with in realistic terms. I will hopefully include interviews from relevant people and images of their work to create page spreads and interesting content.

As my magazine is fashion based i will advertise fashion products, sales in high street mainstreaming shops which will appeal to my audience, cosmetics, beauty products and relevant events. Shops which are most popular to my readers or that are popular amongst bloggers i will design page spreads of their clothing especially such as Brandy Melville to advertise their products, this is a form o advertising as it promotes their products while staying to the theme of my magazine and being content which my readers will find interesting.

The layout of my magazine will be consistent through out all issues i create and will stick to a specific colour scheme creating a style. The images will feature relevant content which fits with the theme of my magazine and the articles with in the magazine will have images and heading following the theme. I will lay my magazine out like a scrap nook because this is in style at the moment and will appeal to my target audience of teen/ young adult women.

My covers will be images taken in Sheffield as this is my local convenient place to take images, the person or people in my cover will be some who is featured further in the magazine to make it relevant and to give the readers a slight preview into what is in the issue.

Variation of articles

Although my articles will follow a specific theme of fashion and style i will have a variation of articles with information on things such as bloggers, events, street style and affordable fashion; then the contrast of the runway fashion, city style and what not to wear. I will have interviews with bloggers and fashionistas from England to contribute to my British fashion themed magazine.

Lo1: Moodboard

Lo1: Fashion Magazine Ideas


Company magazine releases 12 standard issues a year, each issue is released themed on the month of its issue for example, winter style. The new issue is released at the end of the previous month, therefore it is on sale in time of the month featured. On top of the standard issues, Company releases 2 extra called 'HighStreet Style' which is released every six months. This includes content of runway events, style advice, how to have good style for the lowest possible price etc. The magazine has an app for smart phones so subscribers can have the magazine for a lower price and get it as soon as it is released. On a weekly basis a news letter is released to the app, the weekly release has sneak previews of what will be in the monthly issue and behind the scene exclusives of the shoots included in the magazine.


Elle magazine mainly focus' on fashion, beauty, health and entertainment. Elle is also the world's best selling fashion magazine. It was founded by Pierre Lazareff in 1945. The title of 'Elle" translates to 'She' or 'Her'.  Elle has 43 international editions in over 60 countries. The brand Elle is a global network with 33 websites with a total of 25 million unique readers. 82% of the average age of readers for Elle varies from 18 to 49 year old women.


GQ is an international monthly men's magazine based in New York City. The publication focuses on fashion, style and culture for men through articles on food, movies, fitness, sex, music, travel, sport, technology and books. The first issue came out in 1957 in the united states and has been released on a monthly basis ever since.

Lo1: KTA1: Mindmap